Is an ancient medicine developed over millennia, with its focus of assisting the body to optimal health. Acupuncture brings awareness of the mind/body to the affected area to focus your bodies healing capabilities. The human body is amazing in its healing potential and we help unlock its ability.
Acupuncture uses extremely thin sterilized single use needles. You may feel a little prick but most people don’t experience an unpleasantness. You may feel a wide range of sensations but if you feel any unpleasantness, I will adjust and if need be remove the needle for your comfort. The more you have acupuncture, the more comfortable it becomes.
The initla treament is usually longer than the follow up treatments. I need to collect a fair amount information to give me a precise picture of you. Once we have a clear picture of your condition, we will proceed with Acupuncture and any supplemental treatments.
Treatments are not one and done. Acupuncture heals at the pace of the body. There are many factors to consider, how long have you had the condition, your age, general health and lifestyle.
Generally 5-10 treatments are needed. A chronic problem that you’ve had for years may take longer. Or alternatively something that just popped up may take less time.
The main thing to get benefit is to come often and consistently. The closer the treatments are together the healing becomes exponential. Once the issue has been addressed, it is suggested to come once a month to optimize your health and prevent future reoccurrence.
Acupoints are all over the body and I will often put point on the legs and back. Loose fitting clothing that doesn’t restrict blood flow is ideal. If any clothing needs to be removed for access, a sheet can be used to cover you.
After a treatment, it is suggested to let your body relax so it can focus on healing. I wouldn’t advise a workout after a treatment. You should stay out of the elements (i.e.. wind and rain) and refrain from showers (make sure its warm if necessary).
You may feel some soreness or bruising for a day or so after.